Hee-Jung Song, MD, Hye-Seon Jeong, MD and Jei Kim, MD
Department of Neurology, CardioCerebroVascular Center, and Geriatric Health Care Center, Chungnam National University Hospital,Daejeon, Korea
Stroke as the most important cause of morbidity and long-term disability imposes an enormous economic or burden to the individual family or the community. Acute, subacute, and rehabilitation care of stroke patients in specialized wards as well as revascularization therapies have been proven to be effective in acute ischemic stroke. The management of stroke patients in hospital entails a complex package of care. Recent systematic reviews have demonstrated that stroke patients who receive a package of organized inpatient (stroke unit) care are more likely to survive, return home and regain independence than those who receive conventional care in general wards. In an effort to provide guidance to health care professionals, hospitals, and administrators, Korean Stroke Society has established recommendations for the development of a stroke unit or stroke center. We present the key components of a stroke unit and outline how each component of a stroke unit can be met and documented.