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Table of Contents | December, 2012  Vol. 5  No.2 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

Invited Reviews
33 Funduscopic Findings in Neurologic Intensive Care Unit:With the Focus on Papilledema
Sung-Hee Kim, MD and Kee Duk Park, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2012;5(2):33-39.
40 Management of Deceased Donor
Jeong Gwan Kim, MD and Chul Woo Yang, MD
J Neurocrit Care. 2012;5(2):40-43.
Original Article
44 Relationship of Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity and Cerebral Artery Calcification in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke
Jin-Hyung Lee, MD, Meyung-Kug Kim, PhD and Bong-Goo Yoo, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2012;5(2):44-49.
Case Reports
50 A Case of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Mimicking Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
Sung-Hoon Lee, MD, Eun Joo Chung, MD, PhD, Eung Gyu Kim, MD, PhD,Sang Jin Kim, MD, PhD, Jeong-Suk Bae, MD and Ki-Hwan Ji, MD
J Neurocrit Care. 2012;5(2):50-52.
53 Cryptococcal Meningitis Complicated by Escherichia coli Sepsis in a Patient with Liver Cirrhosis
Won-Gu Lee, MD1, Meyung-Kug Kim, MD1, Bong-Goo Yoo, MD1 and Ji Young Park, MD2
J Neurocrit Care. 2012;5(2):53-56.
57 Relapsing Polychondritis Patient Associated with Meningoencephalitis and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Hyun-Ji Cho, MD, In uk Song, MD and Sungwoo Jung, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2012;5(2):57-60.
61 Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome Due to Primary Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome
Yun Ho Choi, MD, Yu Na Cho, MD, Won Ko, MD, Chul Hyoung Lyoo, MD, PhD, Won-Joo Kim, MD, PhD and Young-Chul Choi, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2012;5(2):61-64.
Endnote Style File
Endnote Style File
Email Alert
Author's Index
SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Supranuclear oculomotor palsy in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: a case report. J Neurocrit Care. 2021;14:113-116
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