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Table of Contents | December, 2020  Vol. 13  No.2 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

Review Article
69 Blood pressure management in stroke patients
Seung Min Kim, Ho Geol Woo, Yeon Jeong Kim, Bum Joon Kim
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):69-79.   Published online December 29, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200028
                           Cited By 5
Original Articles
80 Minimal-risk traumatic brain injury management without neurosurgical consultation
Elizabeth Starbuck Compton, Benjamin Allan Smallheer, Nicholas Russell Thomason, Michael S. Norris, Mina Faye Nordness, Melissa D. Smith, Mayur Bipin Patel
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):80-85.   Published online December 14, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200011
                           Cited By 1
86 The etiologies of altered level of consciousness in the emergency department
Suwon Jung, Jae Cheon Jeon, Chang-Gyu Jung, Yong Won Cho, Keun Tae Kim
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):86-92.   Published online September 18, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200010
                           Cited By 4
93 The good genotype for clopidogrel metabolism is associated with decreased blood viscosity in clopidogrel-treated ischemic stroke patients
Joong Hyun Park, Sang Won Han, Hyun-Jeung Yu
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):93-100.   Published online December 29, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200023
                           Cited By 1
Case Reports
101 Cerebral infarction caused by endocarditis in a patient with COVID-19
Doo Hyuk Kwon, Jae-Seok Park, Hyung Jong Park, Sung-Il Sohn, Jeong-Ho Hong
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):101-104.   Published online September 15, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200019
105 Anti-Yo-associated autoimmune encephalitis after colon cancer treatment
Na-Yeon Jung, Kyoung-Nam Woo, Jae Wook Cho, Hyun-Woo Kim
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):105-108.   Published online October 23, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200013
                           Cited By 2
109 Bupropion overdose as a clinically significant confounder of the neurological examination
Ranier Reyes, Stephen Figueroa
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):109-114.   Published online December 23, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200021
115 Endovascular treatment for pseudoaneurysm after carotid blowout syndrome
Chong Hyuk Chung, Young-Nam Roh, Seo Hyeon Lee, Yeong Seok Jeong, Jeong-Ho Hong, Sung-Il Sohn, Hyungjong Park
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):115-118.   Published online December 24, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200026
119 Central skull base osteomyelitis due to nasopharyngeal Klebsiella infection
Kyoung-Nam Woo, Jieun Roh, Seung-Kug Baik, Dong-Hyeon Shin, Ki-Seok Park, Min-Gyu Park, Kyung-Pil Park, Sung-Ho Ahn
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):119-122.   Published online December 24, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200017
                           Cited By 1
123 Multiple embolic infarctions and intracranial hemorrhage in a patient with gestational trophoblastic disease
Kyong Young Kim, Seunguk Jung, Changhyo Yoon, Heejeong Jeong, Eun Bin Cho, Tae-Won Yang, Seung Joo Kim, Sean Hwang, Ki-Jong Park
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):123-127.   Published online December 24, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200012
128 Normal pressure hydrocephalus after gamma knife radiosurgery in a patient with vestibular schwannoma
Yoonah Park, Bong-Goo Yoo, Seonghun Jeong, Won Gu Lee, Meyung Kug Kim, So-Young Huh, Jin-Hyung Lee
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):128-132.   Published online December 23, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200014
                           Cited By 2
133 Radiculopathy caused by lumbar epidural varix
Jiyong Shin, Nawon Oh, Jisoon Huh, Chang Lim Hyun, Joong-Goo Kim, Sa-Yoon Kang, Jung-Hwan Oh
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):133-136.   Published online December 29, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200029
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Supranuclear oculomotor palsy in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: a case report. J Neurocrit Care. 2021;14:113-116
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