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Table of Contents | December, 2008  Vol. 1  No.2 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

117 Multimodal Neurocritical Care Monitoring: Conceptual Approach and Indications
Scott G. Glickman, DO, PhD MPH and Axel J. Rosengart, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):117-127.
128 Central Vertigo Mimicking Acute Peripheral Vestibular Disorder
Seonhye Kim, MD Ji Soo Kim, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):128-133.
Special Articles
134 Neurological Intensive Care: Emerging Subspecialty in Neurology
Moon-Ku Han, MD
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):134-136.
137 Controversies in Concept of Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Korean Vascular Cognitive Impairment Harmonization Study
Mi-Sun Oh, MD Byung-Chul Lee, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):137-142.
Original Articles
143 Increase of Apoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase 1 and Inhibitory Effect of Ask1 Targeted Small Interfering RNA on Infarction after Ischemia/Reperfusion in Mice
Hyun-Woo Kim, BS Kyoung-Joo Cho, MS, Hyun-Jeong Kim, MS, Yang-Je Cho, MD, Byung-In Lee, MD and Gyung Whan Kim, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):143-149.
150 Overexpressed Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease/Redox Effector Factor-1 Using Adenoviral Vector Inhibits Induction of Neuronal Cell Death after Transient Ischemic Stroke in Mice
Hyun-Woo Kim, BS Kyoung-Joo Cho, MS, Byung-In Lee, MD, Hyun-Jeong Kim, MS and Gyung Whan Kim, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):150-156.
157 Decompressive Hemicraniectomy for Brain Herniation in Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction: Outcomes of 21 Patients
Hyun Cho, MD1 Jae Hyeon Park, MD2, Yong Soon Hwang, MD3, Sang Won Han, MD2, Joong Hyun Park, MD2, Jee-Hyun Kwon, MD1 and Hyun-Jin Seo, MD1
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):157-163.
Case Reports
164 Contralateral Cerebral Infarction after Unilateral Carotid Angioplasty with Stenting
Min Ju Kim, MD Suk Yun Kang, MD, Seok-Beom Kwon, MD, San Jung, MD, Mi Jeong Lee, MD, Min-Gyeong Jeong, MD, Ki-Han Kwon, MD, Byung-Chul Lee, MD, PhD and Sung-Hee Hwang, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):164-167.
168 Status Epilepticus Possibly Caused by Hair Dye Exposure in a Diabetic Man
Yong-Sik Jung, MD Seok-Beom Kwon, MD, Suk Yun Kang, MD, San Jung, MD and Sung-Hee Hwang, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):168-170.
171 Bilateral Striatopallidodentate Calcinosis in a Patient with Hypoparathyroidism and Epilepsy
Gyoungim Suh, MD Seon Jeong Kim, MD, Do Hyun Kim, MD, Young-Chul Choi, MD and Won-Joo Kim, MD
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):171-173.
174 A Case of Unilateral Agenesis of Internal Carotid Artery with Throbbing Headache
Sung Kyu Na, MD Tai Hwan Park, MD, Jin Young Ahn, MD and Min Ky Kim, MD
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):174-176.
177 A Case of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Presenting as Transverse Myelopathy
Hyun Sook Kim, MD Kyoung-Keun Kim, MD and Ok Joon Kim, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2008;1(2):177-180.
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Supranuclear oculomotor palsy in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: a case report. J Neurocrit Care. 2021;14:113-116
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