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Fixed and dilated pupils by pupillometer in lateralized periodic discharges: a case report in the neurocritical care unit
Christopher Thomas Primiani, Khalil Salim Husari, Rohan Mathur, Romergryko Guance Geocadin
J Neurocrit Care. 2022;15(2):136-140.   Published online December 21, 2022
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.220066
                        Supplementary         Cited By 2
Anti-Yo-associated autoimmune encephalitis after colon cancer treatment
Na-Yeon Jung, Kyoung-Nam Woo, Jae Wook Cho, Hyun-Woo Kim
J Neurocrit Care. 2020;13(2):105-108.   Published online October 23, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.200013
                           Cited By 2
Antibiotics Induced Seizures and Encephalopathy
Kyoo Ho Cho
J Neurocrit Care. 2018;11(1):1-6.   Published online June 29, 2018
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.180049
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Interactions between the brain and other organs
Neurocritical Care for Patients with Kidney Dysfunction
Inwhee Park
J Neurocrit Care. 2017;10(1):13-18.   Published online June 26, 2017
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.170008
Brain edema and intracranial hypertension
Brain Lesions Attributed to Acute Seizures
Oh-Young Kwon, Sang Kyeong Yoo, Young-Soo Kim
J Neurocrit Care. 2016;9(2):78-91.   Published online December 23, 2016
doi: https://doi.org/10.18700/jnc.160089
Two Cases of Basilar Artery Occlusion Manifesting with Seizure
Hyung-Soo Lee, MD, Min Su Han, MD, Hyun Kyung Kim, MD, Yeon-Kyung Jung, MD, PhD, Im-Seok Koh, MD, and Jong Yun Lee, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2013;6(2):97-100.
Continuous Electroencephalogram Monitoring in the Neuro-Intensive Care Unit
Ji Hyun Kim, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2012;5(1):1-7.
Acute Seizures in Old Age and Cognitive Dysfunction
Sook Young Roh, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2011;4(2):21-24.
Electrolyte Disturbances and Seizures
Oh-Young Kwon, MD
J Neurocrit Care. 2011;4(1):1-6.
Seizures, EEG Monitoring in NICU
Hong Ki Song, MD
J Neurocrit Care. 2010;3(Suppl 2):118-121.
Continuous Seizures
Dae-Won Seo, MD, PhD
J Neurocrit Care. 2010;3(Suppl 1):19-22.
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Supranuclear oculomotor palsy in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: a case report. J Neurocrit Care. 2021;14:113-116
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